
Yoga For Kids

Movement based games

This game teaches twenty classical Yoga exercises and presents them in colorful playing cards. 

By introducing Yoga to children in an enjoyable way, it helps promote movement, strengthen their body’s coordination, visual memory and prods the imagination. It also enhances their social skills.

This game is specially geared to children but can be equally enjoyed by players of all ages! Conceived by experienced Yoga teachers, with years of experience in teaching Yoga to children, this game is based on the concept of PLAYING IN MOTION.

The cards were created in Yoga class, by a yoga teacher. Developed with the understanding that, through imitation and game-playing, learning increases in its effectiveness and encourages the child to experience. When a child sees another practicing a pose, he realizes that he too can do it.

Practicing Yoga is a fascinating way of getting to know your own body, expanding your abilities, enjoying your vitality and health, and gaining the tools for listening to yourself and to others, for instance, tolerance, thoughtfulness, honesty, and generosity.

Those who diligently practice Yoga knows they could do anything better: jumping, running, concentrating, and enjoying themselves.

Ideas for games:

The memory game: place the cards facing down, and search for pairs of

Pose / illustration. Each time a pair is found, the pose is performed.

Freeze! Scatter around the room a few cards facing down and begin to move freely with the sound of music. When the music stops, each child stands still near a card closest to him, turns it and performs the pose shown on it. 

The investigators: place the cards facing down. A child chooses a card and shows the pose. The other children try to find out through several questions the name of the pose. For example, is it an animal? Does it live in water?

Dancing Yoga: choose randomly several cards (3-6) and place them next to each other in a row. Perform the poses in a continuous manner as shown in the row (movement with flow, like the sun salutation).

Story Tellers: place the cards facing down. The first child chooses a card, shows the pose, and tells a short story that combines the pose. The next child chooses an extra card.

Benefits of the Poses:

The bodies of small children are constantly developing so it is ill-advised to push them to perform poses they may find difficult or uncomfortable. If there is pain or discomfort, diminish the stretch always listen to their body.

The pose should be relaxed and balanced.

Don't forget to breathe! While performing the pose, remember to breathe deeply and freely through the nose.

Poses that strengthen natural balance: Mountain, Tree, Stork      

These poses strengthen the natural balance from the soles of the fee up. They develop the will, stamina, and stability to reach a state of peace and tranquility.

They are characterized by a strong connection to the earth (basis, stability, being grounded). The connection to the earth grants rootedness and physical security. It is important to work with the soles of the feet and to feel the connection between the feet and the upper part of the body.
Poses that improve balance or equilibrium: Rainbow, Cat, Stork, Frog, Butterfly, Table

These poses develop balance, erect standing, and physical confidence.

Equilibrium develops good coordination between the parts of the brain and balances the capabilities of the right and left sides.

They improve the ability to focus and concentrate.

They develop sense of center and boost inner strength and self-confidence.

It is recommended to start with the right side and then with the left. It is important to do both sides.

Poses that strengthen the back: Cobra, Fish, Slide, Dove, Bridge

These poses strengthen the long muscles of the back and give flexibility to the spine.

They strengthen the shoulders and relax the joints.

They release tension and stimulate feelings of joy and enthusiasm.

They give a feeling of space, positive communication, and optimism with the world.

It is recommended to do at least one bow forward after practicing backward bends.

Poses that soothe: Tortoise, Rabbit, Mouse, Ball

These poses are calming and gather the energy inwards.

They are characterized by an inner introspection and heightened concentration.

They encourage tranquility and harmony.

It is important to keep the back broad and soft. One can maintain these poses a while longer (up to 2 minutes).

Poses that refresh and relax: Dog, Bridge, Lion

These poses renew and refresh energy. To benefit from them it is recommended maintain the pose with ease and confidence for at least 30 seconds.

The Relaxation Pose

This pose refreshes and replenishes the body with renewed strength and vitality. It also gives us the opportunity to enjoy a few moments of quiet time with ourselves and to connect inwardly. End each game or training session with a few minutes of relaxation.

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© All rights reserve to Osnat Israeli     www.yoga4kids.co.il  2017  info@yoga4kids.co.il

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